MUR3040 - Rectifier Diodes

Possible substitute or elements with same package in depends of Datasheet 1
MUR3040Rectifier Diodes

Other search matches from Replace part lists
MUR3040WT - Diode Silicon | BYV 74-400 =MUR 3005PT, 400V
MUR3040PT - Diode Silicon | BYV 74-400 =MUR 3005PT, 400V, <60ns
MUR3040PT - Diode Silicon | BYV 74-400 =MUR 3005PT, 400V, <60ns
MUR3040 - Diode Silicon | BYV 74-400 =MUR 3005PT, 400V, <100ns
MUR3040 - Diode Silicon | BYV 74-400 =MUR 3005PT, 400V, <100ns


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